After 3 long months since the release of the public beta version, CastleMine is finally ready for its full release! The public beta has been an immensely rewarding experience. The amount of constructive feedback I received from players has been incredible. Everything from bug reports to feature suggestions. There are so many things you overlook when you are working on a project for this long and it’s always amazing what a fresh pair of eyes will pick up.
Now that the full release version has now been submitted for certification it’s a good time mention what is new.
The first and most obvious change will be the visuals. I’ve updated a lot of the graphics to be more consistent with the style I was going for. Here’s a quick comparison of the old graphics versus the new.
The next most obvious change is the number of levels. The beta version featured 20 levels and the overwhelming consensus among all players was they wanted more. So the full release version will feature 45 levels and I may add more later.
I have also added a new gameplay feature in the form of land mines. These mines are bought with crystal so they present players with another interesting decision. Land mines are single-use, so using them is a trade-off for a single instant benefit versus a lasting game-long benefit in the form of support towers.
They also help to solve another gameplay problem. Land mines can be used in an emergency to stop that 1 enemy that gets past your defences that would otherwise ruin a perfect round. They can act as a sort of safety net.
There are a number of other improvements in the game (including new skills) but I’ll leave these for the players to discover. The full release version will hopefully be available the week of the 17th September.